He sat there watching over us. He knew us but we didn’t know him. He watched us grow up. He sent us gifts such as matches and lace, and pins. We never did see him but we could feel his presence; every time we cried we felt a pat on our shoulders. We didn’t know why he chose us out of all the kids, but he did and we were his kids now. We always knew that he would be there, even if we couldn’t see him.
I stood infront of a crowd of faces staring at me, eyes that wouldn't go away. They stared into my soul. I could hear my heart beat go up. My palms started to sweat. My mouth went dry. I knew that I couldn't do it, or at least wouldn't. I wanted to be invisible, to run away and never be seen again. But I knew that I had to do this. I couldn't chicken out again. But I was scared. I was scared of how they would respond. Deep down inside I knew I could do it. I had to prove them wrong. I just had to. So I opened my eyes and faced my fear.
Most people don't see the real me. They see the one who has it all together. The one who is pretty and perfect. The one who is tough and unbreakable. They don't see the one whose life is a mess. The one who makes mistakes. The one who cries. They don't see the real me. They see the me I want to be. But to be honnest know one is perfect or had their life all together. No one is unbreakable. The truth is we are all human.
Process notes go here.